It’s time to simplify

Hire the friendliest professional organizers in town

An organized home reduces your stress, gives you peace of mind, and best of all, more free time!
Are you within 10 miles of Pasadena, CA?Call today 323.230.0297 or
“They are patient, efficient, and give direction gently, yet boldly! You will feel incredible when they walk away from the job with bags full of trash, recyclables, and donations.”
FAQs About Professional Organizers
We help you get organized with any project, large or small, in your home.
Our service includes taking away any items you no longer need and donating them or disposing of them correctly.
Think of us as your really organized friend who comes over to help without complaining!
- unpacking after a move
- setting up or cleaning up home filing system
- decluttering any area or storage space
- kids’ rooms
- estate clearing
- get ready for tax time
- lots more
We have a 3 hour minimum for all organizing sessions. And, sometimes it happens that you can’t be around when we are unpacking your boxes; or organizing your closet, or another area. That is okay.
We can still help!
Please know WE NEED YOUR INPUT in order to meet your expectations. But we can use pictures, phones, and lists to convey those expectations.
It is best if you are present for our sessions. At a minimum, please plan to spend 10-15 minutes at the beginning and 30-60 minutes at the end with us (even if it’s a video call).
We will talk more about your situation on your free assessment phone call.
Call now 323.230.0297 or click here to request a call from me, Nonnahs.
1 Organizer
2 Organizers
3 Organizers
3 hour minimum per appointment. Pricing includes:
- complimentary removal and donation of items
- complimentary shredding for up to 10 pounds of paper each session
- complimentary product suggestions and professional recommendations
All organizers are trained and insured. (and very friendly)
- We are cheaper than marriage counseling. (you could stop here…)
- Our rate is comparable to other contractors (plumbers, tile guys, a gardening team, etc.) BUT we are cleaner, and leave things neater than we found them.
- Do you really want cheap labor going through your tax files, prescription drugs, and underwear drawer?
- One 3 hour session costs about as much as a trip to Whole Foods for one family. (under $350)
- How much would he pay to enjoy his Saturday instead of organizing, driving to goodwill, hazardous waste, and the recycling station?
Our organizers are not interested in making you feel shame or embarrassment about your situation.
Yes, we have worked on some bad cases of clutter and neglect. But, we are here to help you and that will never include judgment or negativity.
As the owner of the company, my #1 priority is your happiness with our service. I will call you on the phone to get your feedback after the session, and I will fix anything you want fixed. This is a no-risk decision for you.
Our typical appointment is 4 hours long. All organizing sessions have a 3 hour minimum.
Payment is due at the time of service. We accept Paypal, Venmo, major credit cards, checks, and cash. Checks should be made out to Get Organized Already! inc. Returned checks will incur an additional fee.
Organizers appreciate your tips if the job was especially difficult, dirty, or involved inclement weather.
Parking and supply costs are additional.
Travel fee of $25 applies to appointments over 10 miles from Eagle Rock.
The number of professional organizers you hire is completely up to you. Some people feel more comfortable working one on one. For many projects we will recommend involving 2 organizers in order to save you time and money.
We require 48 hours notice. A cancellation fee equal to one hour of the organizing session will be charged for rescheduling fewer than 48 hours before your session.
So… call me already and let’s do it! 323.230.0297 Nonnahs
Here’s what to expect:
- Initial phone assessment (about 10 minutes)
- Identifying your goals and expectations
- Set a date to start
- Hands-on decluttering and organization of space (3-4 hours per session)
- New system suggestions
- Supply recommendations
- Removal of anything you no longer want
- Follow up appointments as requested
- Call now: 323.230.0297
Because we work by the hour, it’s important to prioritize each session. If left on our own, we move very quickly, carefully, and efficiently.
How fast things progress depends primarily on how quickly you can make decisions about your stuff. An organizer will work together with you (sometimes on parallel mini-projects, sometimes on the same thing) to thin out, sort, re-purpose and generally organize your things.
Getting organized is a process and our visits are more like working with a personal trainer than a stressful one-time workout. Most clients have us back on a semi-regular basis to stay on track or to catch back up.
Taking care of the precious earth is a priority for Get Organized Already! We take household hazardous waste to monthly drop off events. We recycle/reuse your boxes and packing materials. And we take all donations to local, second-hand stores for you.
Sometimes the stress of wasting and disposing of things properly can keep you from letting go of items. We believe you deserve a peaceful home full of only things you love! Family and friends with good intentions may give you hand-me-downs and gifts you don’t want. That doesn’t mean they have to live in your home forever.
“I love that Nonnahs will find places to re-use, recycle and reinvent what I don’t want. She takes away e-waste, donation items, and pretty much anything that doesn’t have to –or shouldn’t– end up in a landfill. It is easier to let go when you don’t have to feel so guilty about throwing things out.”
-Monette M, actor, Pasadena
This is exactly why an organizer is miraculous! We make the process so much faster and easier.
I promise you will keep everything you love and love everything you keep.
note: If it feels physically painful to you to let go of your things, you may have the hoarding disorder and be well served to seek a behavioral psychologist. Here is a good place to start: ADAA
All of our professional organizers are trained people of integrity. Our standards are high.
I will provide you with a written and freshly signed Non-Disclosure Agreement before we start any project. It goes against our principles to violate the gift of your trust. Per this NDA, we aren’t allowed to tell your neighbors, or our neighbors (or anyone else for that matter!) what we see or find at your house.
For more warm-tummy assurance about trusting us please see the Code of Ethics on NAPO’s website. (NAPO is the National Association of Pro Organizers. I am an established member of this association.) Also, check out all of our testimonials here.
We arrive in discreet cars and (unless we are organizing the garage in full view) the neighbors will have to try very hard to figure out who we are!

Are you overwhelmed and don’t know where to start?
Our trained, friendly, professional organizers provide expert guidance without judgment or guilt.
Serving Pasadena and immediate areasWork with Get Organized Already in person: Call 323.230.0297 or
Blog – Organizing Tips

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