Not-so-extreme Home Makeover: Organized people need help, too

I could watch Fixer-Upper on HGTV aaaalll day. I mean all day! Couldn’t you?
It’s so fun to see a space go from neglected to stunning, especially when you don’t have to do the heavy lifting yourself!
Our job as professional organizers is a lot like the show in that we get to transform spaces pretty quickly and we get to make a lot of people happier in their homes. The organizers who work at Get Organized Already are all incredibly fun people too, which definitely adds to the appeal of having us in your house for a few hours.
Who hires a professional organizer?
You don’t have to be an extreme clutter-er to benefit from a little professional organizing love. Even relatively tidy people need help organizing sometimes.
Not sure where your home fits in?
Extreme clutter is overwhelming. It’s piles and piles of stuff — old bills, junk mail, damaged kitchen gadgets and unwanted clothes. Chronically disorganized people regularly can’t find items they’re looking for because there’s too much stuff to search through.
Most families don’t have endless piles of junk. Instead, they have mild to moderate amounts of clutter — items that can be better organized, donated or thrown away.
No matter what your situation, I’m willing to bet there’s an area where we could help and you’ll be amazed how much better you will feel after it’s organized.
Use space more efficiently
A professional organizer will help you use space more efficiently. Which means you can create more room for the things you love. [bctt tweet=”It’s like adding an extra room to your home or getting an addition without all the cost and hassle of construction.” username=”getorganzdalrdy”] Who wouldn’t want that? I call it a not-so-extreme home makeover.
Help letting things go
Sometimes having a professional organizer in the room helps you see how your emotional attachments are making your home messier and your life a little harder.
The Get Organized Already team helped a family make their daughters’ room even more organized this week. We removed piles of books from the floor and sorted them neatly on a bookshelf. With some help from each daughter, we sent many stuffed animals and unwanted toys to loving homes. Then we created a section for each daughter’s toys. The girls hadn’t been able to part with these things when their mom was asking. Having us there helped everyone figure out what was really important to them and helped the girls to understand the end goal of a room that’s easier to clean.
I know what you’re thinking: This room looks amazing in the before picture!
It’s true. Most of the rooms we organize are a lot messier than this room was to begin with. Still, sometimes mamas just need a little extra motivation or an extra pair of hands. Everyone has different standards and different tolerance levels. Don’t let this photo story become a way to beat yourself up! Let it assure you that everyone needs some organizing help.
Do yourself a favor and ask for help where you need it. Maybe you don’t feel organized at home, or you have lost your organizing mojo since having kids, or there’s some other reason you can’t seem to get in control of the clutter at your house. The reason doesn’t matter. You matter and it’s important to feel good in your space. So please let us help you!
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