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Organizing in the cloud

Because I’m married to a techie I am constantly being forwarded another “rad article” from They are usually full of HTML and PQRS. BUT… Because of said articles (and said techie husband) I have all of my documents backed up on, all of my photos backed up via google instant upload, and all of my to do lists on I have lists, deposit slips, and other things on, too.

All of these sites are indeed miraculous and I highly recommend you check them out and increase your electronic organizing prowess. Some people–those using Apple products–call this the Cloud. I call it smart. And it just saved my britches for sure!

You see, this weekend, for reasons unknown to man, MY LAPTOP DIED. Caputz. Can you believe that?! You know this feeling. It’s a feeling of complete abandonment. Like you have lost (almost) everything you need to be productive. Everyone has had a hard-drive bite the dust on them and it never happens at a good time.

Jeff tried to fix mine (see photo). But the power source is completely dead. You might think I’d be pulling out my hair and heading over to Best Buy to get a new machine. But, I’m not. I’ve got everything I need to keep working via the internet and I can do anything I need to do at any computer with a connection.

Do you have all your business backed up? Are you prepared for your laptop to kick the bucket or for your latte to spill and render it helpless?

Well, it’s about time to get you electronically organized already! I know a great IT guy, Bob Fitzgerald at PC Essentials in Pasadena. If you need some more advanced tech-geek solutions, he is your man! If you want to go paperless, partially paperless, back up your documents, start paying bills online, balancing your budget online, or any other online organizing endeavor, I can certainly help with that.

Because it’s 2012, people! And a dead computer shouldn’t make you cry. In fact, in shouldn’t even slow you down.


get organized, home organizing, professional organizer, tech-savvy

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