Organizing with limits in the kitchen

When it comes to organizing in the kitchen –or in any space the biggest problem is having too much of one thing or another. This is especially a problem when organizing in the kitchen. Here are 3 easy ways to set limits for yourself in the kitchen, so you don’t get carried away keeping more than you are ever going to need.
One thing I see in every kitchen we work in is a ton of single-serve packets of ketchup, soy sauce, and parmesan cheese. To keep these condiments from taking over an entire drawer, use a jam jar (or something similar) to corral them. Once the jar is full, you’re done. No more sriracha packets!
Trust me you will never need more sauce than that!
And if you do, it will arrive like magic the next time you order in.
Paper grocery bags
So you think, “Oh yeah, I’ll definitely re-use those!”
Great. I agree, they do come in really handy. And you will not need more than 12 at any one time– if that many!
Keep your bag collection confined inside one bag (like the picture).
Plastic grocery bags
To keep plastic bags corralled, some people use a vase, or an empty tissue box or baby wipes dispenser. You can buy a specialized dispenser at The Container Store or Target, etc. The one pictured here is from Amazon for $5
Once this container is full (YOU GUESSED IT) you’re done! No more plastic bags. Take the rest and put them in a recycle bin (if your area recycles them. If not most grocery stores have a receptacle for them).
You just don’t need anymore plastic bags than this. Even if you have four dogs.
[bctt tweet=”I don’t want to hear about the dogs and picking up the poop.” username=”getorganzdalrdy”]
I promise you this will hold all the plastic bags you need.
Using limits can work in almost any area of the house. Set yourself some limits and if you stick to them, you won’t end up with too much stuff!
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hot sauce, kitchen, kitchen organizing, limits, professional organizer